"HTTP Error 503 The service is unavailable" error after restoring backup

I've restored a backup on a test machine, to check if I can reproduce a problem I recently had after an update.

The installation went fine, but if I try to access the portal I just get "HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable."

Checking the event log, I see some errors like this:

Workflow host activation failed for workflow definition id : dc9515e6-8883-4101-96f4-23e19b66cb9f, version key: 197. Exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.   at Microsoft.ResourceManagement.Workflow.Hosting.HostActivator.ActivateHost(ResourceManagementWorkflowDefinition workflowDefinition, Boolean suspendWorkflowStartupAndTimerOperations)
   at Microsoft.ResourceManagement.Workflow.Hosting.HostActivator.RetrieveWorkflowDataForHostActivator()

The service seems to be otherwise working, e.g. I can query objects with PowerShell cmdlets.

Any idea what the problem cou

September 4th, 2015 8:20am

1. Make sure the FIMService is running

2. Make sure the SharePoint Services are running

3. Check IIS and make sure the WebSite is running

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September 4th, 2015 9:23am

The error in the event log had nothing to do with the error in the portal...

For some reason, the FIM app pool had corrupt credentials: re-entering the password for the app pool's user fixed the issue.

September 4th, 2015 10:00am

Bad credentials in the AppPool means the Portal would not run, Website is down. (Something I suggested checking)

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September 4th, 2015 10:12am

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